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The last day of the trip was simply a long cold ride from Athens back the house. We left dressed with as much cold weather gear as we had, in fact everyone but me was wearing their rain gear in a effort to add another layer between them and the cold.

We stopped twice for fuel and grabbed some lunch at one of those stops. Otherwise we soldiered on, straight up I-85. Bryan and I both were dealing with numbing fingers but fortunately it was minimal and we made it home by early afternoon.

It was a great trip. One that we all enjoyed and left us with many fond memories. It wet Bryan's whistle for long mileage trips and scratched my itch for them.

Briefly anyway.

About a month after this trip I changed jobs and decided to take a week off before starting my new one. During that week a headed back down to Dad's on another solo trip. I made better time by myself, but it was loads more fun with the gang!