I tell people that one of the coolest things that has ever happened to me happened at a Sonic restaurant in Natchez, Mississippi at lunch one day.
We rode to the end of the Trace and found a place to top of with fuel and then a bite to eat at the drive in next door. We parked in a space and with maps in hand walked over to a picnic table set up by the front door to the kitchen.
After ordering lunch we spread open the maps and looked the situation over. We were in southern Mississippi eating chilli dogs on a beautiful summer day. We had several days left before having to return, money in our pocket and a great riding motorcycle with a full tank of fuel.
Where do we want to go now?
When I'm sitting in the recliner at my son's house and I'm telling my grand youngin's stories about the good ol' days, this will be one of my favorite one's.
Ultimately we decided to haul the mail over to Mobile, Alabama and spend the whole day visiting some spots we thought would be fun and interesting. Even going the long way we made it to Mobile just after dark after riding 430 or so miles, part of it in the rain.
It was a hurried ride on the back roads of southern Mississippi and into Alabama. After eating supper we did some laundry and turned in for the night. We were in full tourist mode tomorrow.