course would be right.
No, I didn't crash and get hurt, and really I didn't even technically
crash, as I never came off the bike. But...
It was if the earth just opened up and tried to swallow me. In fact
I don't mind admitting that for a moment I envisioned myself riding
into some sort of geological anomaly or something. The ground just
simply vanished. At first I was sort of hydroplaning across the top
of the water but the back end quickly headed down and the water was
so deep that the only way I know how to describe the feeling is that
it felt just like when you drop the rope water skiing. I slowed down
and sunk at the very same angle that I had entered the rut. The
water was almost up to my knees and my a$$ was wet, and the sumbitch
was STILL SINKING but still going forward. My only hope was that I
would find the bottom of the rut before the water went over my
I must have been living right lately, because as luck would have it,
the skid plate ground itself into the 'bank' on the far side of this
rut from hell and I was also STILL enough in control of the bike and
aware of my surroundings that I was able to sorta push forward on the
bars while planting my feet on the ground beside me... in about two
feet of goo.
What little forward motion I still had was lost, the small amount the
had let it pull out from underneath me and with my hands being firmly
locked onto the grips I began to kinda fall and be pulled forward at
the same time. Except that my feet weren't going anywhere, so
something had to give and quickly.
It did. The bike suddenly stopped, which was a merciful thing, but I
was stuck to the top of my boots in the nastiest smelling goo you can
imagine leaning forward towards the bars with my feet stuck at about
the rear axle line. I was in an awkward position at that very least.
The only thing I could think to do was let go of the bars so that I
could free myself, then the bike. As I let go of the bars the bike
suddenly slid backwards into the deep water of the rut. As it slid
backwards it slid deeper. I watched in sheer horror as the fuel cap
came rushing back to where I wish I had been wearing a cup if you
know what I mean. There was contact, but I'm pleased to say that it
was minimal.
At least now things had stopped moving.
What followed was twenty minutes worth of tugging and dragging that
got me completely covered in that smelly goo as well as completely
soaked to the bone.
I was finally able to wiggle the bike around to where the back tire
was rubbing the wall of the rut, I fired the bike and had it bumping
the rev limiter with the back tire searching for something to grab.
Water was flying everywhere like some sort of water park attraction
gone bad. Mud and goo flew in every direction. But it finally bit
and I got it out of that damned rut.
To be honest, I didn't finish that lap. I found one of our access
roads and went straight back to the van and put the bike on the
Was it a good day? Of course it was!!! I managed to ride a little
over twenty miles without getting hurt or breaking anything on the
bike. That’s a winning combination these days.
I just real anxious to see what that 'rut' looks like when the water
goes down...