The idea was to leave in the afternoon once I left work, and make a bee line trip across I-40 from our central North Carolina home to the western North Carolina mountains before dark. We would spend the night on the edge of the North Carolina and Tennesee state line so that we'd have a good start on our trip.
From there we would head for Nashville and the start of The Trace. We'd get there when we got there.
Once on The Trace we promised ourselves not to get in a hurry and just be real tourist. Take our time, take lots of pictures and enjoy ourselves. After reaching the end of the parkway having seen what we wanted to see, we would take a look at how much time and available funds we had and then decide what to do. We had a rough idea of how we might head back north and east, but we'd play it by ear.
The trip was a real memory maker. We enjoyed ourselves, and had fun, safe trip, what more could we ask for?