Besides. It was a great excuse for another ride!
This trip would be another solo run and since I'm all about making miles when I'm by myself I didn't take many pictures at all.
I left out on a Saturday morning and put the Nomad in the wind, taking what has become known as 'Florida Route 1' around our house. I.E., I 85 to US 601 to US 301 to US 27, with one slight deviation.
There's really not much to report as I rode pretty much straight through to Baldwin, Florida that day stopping only for fuel for a distance of a little over 500 miles. A little short of my fist solo trip to Florida when I made it as far as Ocala the first day out. My son was still impressed as it took the four of us two days to cover the same distance back in March.
Leaving the next morning I made my change in route by working my way over to US 17 and then down to SR 19 through the Ocala National Forest. I still ended up on US 27 in nearly the same spot as I would have taking US 301 all the way down, but this way gave me a change in scenery. I was glad for the diversion, but to be honest it wasn't all that spectacular. I guess I've grown accustomed to the forests and mountains in our area and am spoiled.
It was late afternoon when I rolled in to Clewiston, and with my detour and sight seeing trip that leg of the trip was a little over 300 miles.
This time around Dad and I visited for two and a half days and had a great time. He was feeling much better after his bought with Phenomena and was his usual self. We spent the better part of one day riding around in his pick up truck just looking around and talking about anything and everything. At one point we made it up to the levy around Lake Okeechobee there at Clewiston and I took these photos.

At first I thought the gator was dead and had washed up on the bank on the far side of the rim canal. But after about 20 minutes or so he lunged and snapped at something making a huge splash and then disappeared under the water. You gotta watch them sneaky devils...
When I left it was close to noon and this time I just beat a path up US 27 to US 301 and stopped again in Baldwin at the same motel and actually got the very same room.
The next day I decided to make another trip deviation and took US 1 at the 301/1 split. It would be more miles, but would allow me to ride some roads I hadn't been on at all, or in a long while. It took a little longer in the end, but I still made it home that day logging in about 550 for the day.
Not much of a report or many pictures, but it was still an enjoyable ride and a great visit with my dad.