As much off road riding as our family has done together up until this point we had never really done any street riding together. By this time Julie and I had gotten to the point that we had done a good deal of on road riding and were enjoying it tremendously. Naturally we wanted to share that with Bryan and let him experience it and see if he would enjoy it all. Obviously Bryan was game, and invited his sweetie, Jordan, to go along with us.
We made arrangements to borrow a motorcycle and then
worked out the logistics for the trip. Bryan really wanted to ride U.S. 129 and see The Dragon, which was fine with us. That way we could also show the kids some of the other great riding and beautiful sights that are in that area.
We would leave on Saturday morning, ride the back roads west and taking in the sights, ending up in Robbinsville, North Carolina and then stay the night. Then we'd get up early Sunday and ride until dark being sure to at least ride the Cherohala and the Dragon that day. Get up Monday and then take a leisurely ride home.
We had booked the 'Vacation Condo' at The Two Wheel Inn http://www.twowheelinn.com/ in Robbinsville and would use it as a base camp. This way we could leave the extra luggage at the room and only carry what we needed during the day, plus we wouldn't have to search for a room each night.
Saturday didn't go as well as we'd hoped. It was very hot that day and the route we'd chosen was one we'd never been on before. It ended up being a slow moving grind with lots of stop lights in many little towns. Before we'd made it to the mountains both the kids had gotten so hot they weren't feeling well. They troopered on after a brief cool off stop to Maggie Valley where were planning to visit the Wheels Through time Museum.
The parking lot at the museum was shady and cool and every one's spirits were lifting. Then we went in the museum and found that either the place wasn't air conditioned or it wasn't working. The place was stifling.
After a little while we were all miserable and decided to leave and find a cool spot. We found a little restaurant that looked neat and went in.
It had no air conditioning either. But at least it was breezy. We ate and then hung out on the porch that was out front, continuing on after everyone felt more like riding again.